Dr Tom Shumack
BSci (Syd. Uni),
BDent (Hons) (Syd. Uni),
GradDip(Oral implants) (Syd. Uni),
Tom was born and raised in Newcastle on the mid north coast of New South Wales. He lived in Sydney for many years where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Psychology), a Bachelor of Dentistry with Honours and a Graduate Diploma in Oral implants from the University of Sydney. After a year working and living in Alice Springs, Tom and his wife Claire then returned Wagga. Together they have three boys, Albert, Wilbur and Hugo.
Pursuant of higher education, Tom completed further education in his primary examinations for the fellowship with the Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons.
Tom considers patient education and preventative and minimal intervention dentistry the most important aspects of treatment planning. He believes dentistry to be the perfect balance between medicine, design and fun analogies. Patients often comment that they feel comfortable under his care because of his calm and confident style of communication and his explanation of risk factors and treatment options using easy-to-understand concepts and analogies. He is passionate about evidenced based practice and a career of continued learning.
Tom’s clinical practice is now largely related to implant dentistry and grafting procedures relating to implants.
Outside of dentistry, Tom enjoys all things music, mountain biking, kitesurfing, skiing and camping.
Naoum, S. , Mutzelburg, P. , Shumack, T. , Thode, D. , Martin, F. and Ellakwa, A. (2015), Reducing composite restoration polymerization shrinkage stress through resin modified glass‐ionomer based adhesives. Aust Dent J, 60: 490-496. doi:10.1111/adj.12265