Oral Cancer Screening

The incidence of oral cancer is increasing in Australia.  Each day, 8 people are diagnosed with oral cancer and 2 pass away from oral cancer.  It is a particularly debilitating form of cancer that affects our quality of life in such a profound way; the ability to eat, to speak and to smile confidently. 

Signs and symptoms include: 

  • a lump in the neck

  • wobbly teeth

  • a swelling or ulcer that fails to heal

  • difficulty or painful swallowing

  • an altered sensation or numbness in the mouth

  • white or red patch on the mouth, tongue or gum

  • unexplained weight loss or spontaneous bleeding gums. 

Lifestyle factors that increase the risk of oral cancer include smoking, alcohol, oral sex (HPV), sun exposure, poor diet and poor oral hygiene. 

Early intervention is your best friend, and at Shumack Dental every patient receives a thorough check for oral cancers at every examination. 

More information can be found on the following fact sheets from the Australian Dental Association: 

Fact Sheet 1
Fact Sheet 2

Call us today for more information about oral cancer screening or to make an appointment.