Our Approach

We understand it’s not just quality dentistry you’re looking for.  In a world where hurried is normal, we appreciate that the ‘personal’ goes a long way, and it is our number one priority that each of our patients receive the very thing they need most in the care of their oral health: excellence, honesty and kindness. 


‘Excellence is never an accident’ (Aristotle)

It is the result of a precise attention to detail, sincere effort and an intelligent application of technical skill. At Shumack Dental we believe that excellence in patient care comes from pride in the quality of our workmanship.

We make the almost all of the crowns and ceramic restorations ourself, after hours in our dedicated ceramics laboratory. This involves digitally designs the ceramic, milling the item, firing the crown in the kiln (often overnight), glazing in a dedicated vacuum furnace and finally, polishing the ceramic. 30micron 3D printed models are designed, nested and printed to ensures verification. All of the this combined ensures the highest quality care possible.

After 40 years of combined clinical experience in private practice, we know that the smallest details can make the biggest difference when it comes to longevity of treatment and a positive patient experience. This is why Tom, Teresa and Emily wear 7.5x magnification loupes.

Precision is key.

We sweat the small stuff. 


We want you to be in the driving seat when it comes to making decisions about your health. After all, every individual and family is different and it is important to us that you feel confident you are receiving treatment that is tailored to you. We understand that in order to do so, you need complete transparency from us. 

We take time to consider and thoroughly explain all treatment options available to you, and give you the opportunity to ask as many questions as you feel you need in order to make an informed decision. We promise complete honesty and a consultative, not a prescriptive approach in the lifelong care of your oral health. 


'A warm smile is the universal language of kindness' (William Arthur Ward) 

Need we say more ....