Children’s Dentistry

At Shumack Dental, we have been looking after children and their parents for over 30 years.

We go to great lengths to ensure your child's first visit is enjoyable, memorable, and (most of all) FUN. This is so important because your child's first visit frames their view of oral health for many years to come. 

Our goal is to establish a foundation of healthy habits and set your child up for the best possible opportunity for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. 

When should I arrange my child's first appointment?

The Australian Dental Association recommends that you should arrange your child's first dental visit as soon as you see teeth coming through. At the latest, by 12 months of age.   

The earlier your child visits the dentist the better opportunity there is to establish good dental hygiene as well as diagnose and treat dental issues that may lead to more serious complications later in life. 

What to expect: 

The appointment is just as much for the parent or caregiver as it is the child. We will discuss: 

  • the eruption and growth of teeth (teething)

  • early brushing techniques and good dental hygiene

  • how decay works in baby teeth

  • health nutrition; and 

  • habits such as thumb sucking.

A little note on teething

Your baby's first tooth is likely to come through at some point between 4-10 months (highly variable).  The teething process can be quite uncomfortable (for both the child and parent!).  A combination of loving attention, chilled (not frozen) teething rings and dummies should help your child through this process. 

Call us today for more information about children's dentistry or to make an appointment for your child.